Location: Blue Hills Reservation
Nearby Town: Milton, MA
Elevation (Max): 635'
Elevation Gained: 395'
Mileage: 1.6
Difficulty: Moderate (steep but short)
Trailhead: Take Exit 3 off I-93, Head N on Blue Hill River Rd, Turn L on Hillside St, Turn R on Rte 138, 2 Parking Lots on R, Trailhead in back of first lot
Website: http://www.mass.gov/dcr/parks/metroboston/blue.htm
As I said before, E and I hiked in the Blue Hills many times. This is a quick, but relatively strenuous hike we did a few times (including once when the trail was snow-covered despite the 60 degree temperatures in early spring). This hike follows the red dot trail for a head-on assault of Great Blue Hill. This is a good hike for a picnic as there are a handful of picnic tables on the summit next to the firetower. On busy days, though, you might have some stiff competition for those tables. At the trailhead there is a Trailside Museum with some snacks for sale, and a small wildlife exhibit with otters, birds, deer, etc. Below are some pictures from two different outings on this hike. One was the winter hike mentioned above and another was a nice spring hike.
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